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Breastfeeding and Emergencies
Emergencies, like natural disasters, can happen any time.  Knowing what to do in an emergency can help keep you and your baby healthy.  A few key points:
  • If you are breastfeeding, keep breastfeeding.  Do not give formula even if it is offered for free.  Formula feeding can reduce your milk supply and may become hard to get.  Water to prepare formula and wash bottles may become contaminated, putting your baby at risk.
  • If you are pumping and the power is out, learn to hand express to keep your milk flowing and/or try latching.  Do not open your freezer or refrigerator, or only when you must, so your milk can stay as cold as possible for as long as possible.
  • If you have breastfed your baby earlier in his/her life, you can try to nurse and make milk again.
  • Do not stop removing your milk abruptly.  This could cause you to have pain and possibly develop a breast infection.
Check these links for more information:

Breastfeeding Emergency Preparedness Checklists for Mothers, Relief Workers, and Health Workers

Get Prepared

"The power

went out!"

Do I have to throw out

all of my frozen

breast milk?

From the CDC

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me or click Edit Text. It's easy  to make it your own.

From American Academy

of Pediatrics (AAP)

Facts About Breastfeeding in an Emergency

Infant Feeding in Disasters and Emergencies

CDC’s Disaster Planning:

Infant and Child Feeding

Multi Language Resources about Breastfeeding and Emergencies

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