Community Breastfeeding Groups
Did you know that moms are more likely to reach their own breastfeeding goals when they have support from other moms? Find a group that fits you!
All groups are free. Contact each group for most recent information.
AMEN!- All Moms Empowered to Nurse!
Meeting every Fridays ONLINE,
3pm- 5pm until further notice.
Learn more at
Find us on FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram! @amencincy

Baby Café
The Christ Hospital
Auburn Ave- 1st/3rd Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 am. Must register here.
Liberty Campus- 2nd/4th Tuesday. 10-11 AM, 513-585-0597. Must register here.
Mercy Health, Forest Park Library- Thursdays, 1-3 PM. Find out more here.
UC Health
Clifton- Starting April 20th, 2023, Thursdays, 2-3:30pm at the Ambrose H. Clement Health Center 3559 Reading Road, Suite 101. Call 513-584-5239 with questions.
West Chester - Call 513-298-3301 or email with questions

BOOBS- Breastfeeding Outreach
to Our Beautiful Sisters 513.783.2301 x102
Virtual sessions twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm. Please register online.
Find us on Facebook-
Breastfeeding USA
Currently no meetings. Text 513-226-9272 for support.
Find us on Facebook-

La Leche League of Ohio & Northern Kentucky
To find out more about La Leche League groups, meetings, support, contact info, Facebook groups, etc. in your county-
Cincinnati and N. Kentucky Facebook group.
Find La Leche League of Indiana groups here.
L.E.C.H.E.- Latinas Empowered to
Choose Health Excellence
Grupo de Apoyo para Madres
¡Juntas son virtual!
¡Venga a disfrutar un tiempo de apoyo!
Donde Where: ¡Juntas son virtual!
Cambio de horario- Nos reunimos de 1230 pm – 130 pm, el segundo Lunes de cada mes. Fechas en 2023 (2023 flyer, also in English)
Reunión por Zoom: ; PW: 0LQ0gJ (zeros 0); Meeting ID: 726 1298 6400
Para más información o para registrarse hable al 513-636-3930 o por correo electrónico

Want to be included in our resources or has your information changed? Contact us!