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Community Breastfeeding Groups

Did you know that moms are more likely to reach their own breastfeeding goals when they have support from other moms? Find a group that fits you!


All groups are free. Contact each group for most recent information.

AMEN!- All Moms Empowered to Nurse!


Meeting every Fridays ONLINE,

3pm- 5pm until further notice. 

Learn more at

or (513) 299-8291

Find us on FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram!  @amencincy

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Baby Café

  • The Christ Hospital

    • Auburn Ave-  1st/3rd Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 am. Must register here.

    • Liberty Campus- 2nd/4th Tuesday. 10-11 AM, 513-585-0597. Must register here.

  • Mercy Health, Forest Park Library- Thursdays, 1-3 PM. Find out more here.

  • UC Health

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BOOBS- Breastfeeding Outreach

to Our Beautiful Sisters  513.783.2301 x102


Virtual sessions twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30 pm.  Please register online

Find us on Facebook-

Breastfeeding USA

Currently no meetings.  Text 513-226-9272 for support.

Find us on Facebook-

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La Leche League of Ohio & Northern Kentucky


To find out more about La Leche League groups, meetings, support, contact info, Facebook groups, etc. in your county-

L.E.C.H.E.- Latinas Empowered to

Choose Health Excellence

Grupo de Apoyo para Madres

¡Juntas son virtual!

ver información

¡Venga a disfrutar un tiempo de apoyo!

Donde Where: ¡Juntas son virtual! 

Cambio de horario- Nos reunimos de 1230 pm – 130 pm, el segundo Lunes de cada mes. Fechas en 2023 (2023 flyer, also in English)

Reunión por Zoom: ; PW: 0LQ0gJ (zeros 0); Meeting ID:  726 1298 6400

Para más información o para registrarse hable al 513-636-3930 o por correo electrónico



Want to be included in our resources or has your information changed?  Contact us

© 2020 by SWOBC

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Disclaimer: The Southwest Ohio Breastfeeding Coalition (SWOBC) compiled available breastfeeding resources in southwest Ohio and surrounding areas but neither guarantees nor endorses any services mentioned here. SWOBC is not liable for any damages arising out of the use of information posted here.

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